Tuesday, April 8, 2008

April Fools Cake

Wish I had a picture to post here right now, but you guys will just have to live with a description, I might upload a pic later though...

For April Fools, me and my mom made a cake for dinner!!!!!!!


This was no ordinary cake. It was actually a double-decker meatloaf cake. With mask potatoes as icing!! Then we mixed potatoes with Ketchup and red dye and wrote a bunch of stuff on the cake. It looked like a real cake!!!!

We were going to make a real cake to eat afterwards, just so they wouldn't feel bad... but we didn't. :)

I got the recipe from www.spatulatta.com . It's a cool little website.

1 comment:

Abbie said...

caleb you weirdo you should have posted a pic!!