Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Seven Day Goal!

My Goal for this week, or really seven days, I will post on my blog everyday. Whether I have nothing or not, I will just type whatever I feel like. Starting tomorrow of course. Right now, it's too late. Oh, and I guess each post will be at least an average paragraph long, and will hopefully be interesting, and, of course, my gratitude for today.

Gratitude for Today:
-I learned the rest of our Tango dance for Peter Pan.
-I got a FaceBook on Friday.
-I got straight A's and a B in Science on my report card.
-I have one merit badge till I can get my Eagle Rank in Scouts (not including the Eagle Project)
-I have a new friend... a yo-yo in Science class. It's pretty fun. I have ring marks on my fingers and bruises on my hand, but it's still fun.

1 comment:

Lollygagger said...

You're the best ever! I can't wait to see you do your tango dance!