Monday, February 4, 2008

The Giants Squish the Patriots! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

I watched the Super Bowl last night. It was a good game, a very good game. At first, I was rooting for the Giants, but this was before the game. Then I realized, if the Patriots win, they could become the worlds best football team! And they did really good the first 3 1/2 quarters of the game, then Mr. Eli Manning catches the ball with his finger tips, getting them way closer to a touchdown, which they eventually got.

I also loved the commercials, they weren't as good as the previous years, but they had some really funny ones.
If you missed them, you can watch them at

Well, maybe next year they can make it to the super bowl. They are really good, to win 18 games in a row, I think they have another chance at the title!


Anonymous said...

Aw man!!!! i can't believe you like the patriots!!!! Oh well, we can still be friends, I guess!

See you Slub

Aunt Lily

Lollygagger said...